Submission Guidelines

We would love to hear from amazing writers with new and unusual voices in all the genres we represent. MMG represents both new and established authors. Please review these submission guidelines carefully before submitting your manuscript.
Please only use the General Non-Query Questions button below for any other communications besides queries.

Send all queries to

  1. MMG does NOT represent anything containing AI-generated material, or previously published or self-published works. Please do not query us about any of the above. Thank you very much.

  2. Please review our homepage for the fiction genres we represent and what we like to see in those genres.

  3. Make sure your manuscript is complete, and the most polished you can make it before submitting. Put your very best foot forward.

  4. Our preferred format for manuscripts is justified, double-spaced or 1.5-spaced, with black, 12-point, Times New Roman font.

  5. Please do not send more than one query at a time. You may send multiple separate queries, but do not query multiple works in the same email. Emails querying multiple manuscripts at once will be disregarded.

  6. Send a brief email query to The subject line must follow this format: "Query: Title of Your Book by Your Full Name (Genre)" to beat the spam checker.

  7. Address your query to Ms Lade Oderinde, and ensure that your email contains your full name and phone number.

  8. Attach your full manuscript to your email. We accept only PDF or MS Word format. Please do not send other document formats, links or protected files as we will not open them.

  9. MMG makes every effort to review and respond to each query within 90 days. If you have not heard from us in that time, please consider our silence a pass.
  1. MMG does NOT represent anything containing AI-generated material, or previously published or self-published works. Please do not query us about any of the above. Thank you very much.

  2. Please review our homepage for the nonfiction genres we represent and what we like to see in those genres.

  3. Please do not send more than one proposal at a time. You may send multiple separate proposals, but do not query multiple works in the same email. Emails querying multiple proposals at once will be disregarded.

  4. Send a brief email proposal to The subject line must follow this format: "Query: Proposed Title of Your Work by Your Full Name (Nonfiction)" to beat the spam checker.

  5. Address your email to Ms Lade Oderinde, and ensure that your email contains your full name and phone number.

  6. Attach only PDF or MS Word formats of any necessary or requested documents. Please do not send other formats, links or protected files as we will not open them.

  7. MMG makes every effort to review and respond to each query within 90 days. If you have not heard from us in that time, please consider our silence a pass.
Mankind owes its greatest achievements to the gift of the storyteller, for it is the storyteller who nourishes our wildest imaginations.

Tuvi Ideh Founder, MMG

Unchained Spirit
MMG's primary value proposition is to turn up the volume on those beautiful silenced voices of our generation. This is what we came to do.
Unbiased Representation
Our selection process is unburdened by the concerns of traditional publishing. We represent only amazing stories and promote every author with the same degree of dedication.
Publishing for a Digital Age
We work with Osiọbe Publishing to bring amazing stories to light. Their eBooks, Audiobooks and Full-Cast Audiobooks are published exclusively on the Osiọbe app.