Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Below, we try to provide answers to some of the questions writers frequently ask us.
If your question is not answered here, you may contact us using the Ask a Non-Query Question button at the bottom of the FAQ list.

Do NOT send manuscript queries through this webform.

  • Question: What publishers does MMG work with?
  • Answer: MMG works exclusively with Osiobe Publishing.

  • Question: Who or what is Osiobe Publishing?
  • Answer: Osiobe Publishing is a new app-based digital publisher. Its mission is to circumvent some of the inefficiencies of traditional publishing by creating a social media platform, an online community, where writers and readers interact directly. This allows readers (not publishers) to choose the writers and books they want to read.

  • Question: How can I protect my book from being stolen by an agent or by someone I send the manuscript to?
  • Answer: Quite frankly, you can't. There is no such thing on Earth as absolute protection. A writer can always take measures to reduce the risk of intellectual property theft such as seeking the advice of a copyright attorney, using NDAs, vetting those who read the manuscript, etc.
    But let's try a dose of reality first. No matter how great a writer thinks a story is, the manuscript is not worth much until it is picked up by a publisher. Literary agents go through thousands of submissions each month to find a book worth publishing and when they do, they work with the writer to polish the manuscript to ready-to-publish status. To a literary agent or publisher, stealing a writer's work would be the equivalent of slaughtering the goose that lays the golden eggs; it is better for the agent to discover a talented writer than to steal one story the agent cannot replicate.

  • Question: Does MMG charge any fees?
  • Answer: Like any reputable literary agency, MMG does not charge writers any fees at all to get their books ready for publishing. We earn our fees (a percentage of royalties) from the publisher, not the writer.

  • Question: What royalty rates can writers expect if represented by MMG?
  • Answer: As previously mentioned, MMG works exclusively with Osiobe Publishing, and Osiobe Publishing currently offers a 20% royalty rate to debutant writers on all first contracts.

  • Question: Does MMG only represent books by underrepresented authors?
  • Answer: No. MMG represents great stories from all demographics of writers. However, we are very fond of the stories of underrepresented authors because we believe those stories are not published frequently enough by traditional publishers and, after all, our niche is the unusual and uncensored.

  • Question: In what formats do you publish books?
  • Answer: Books published by Osiobe Publishing are released in eBook, audiobook and full-cast audio (FCA) formats on the Osiobe app. FCAs are audiobooks with ambient sounds and individual voice actors for each character. Limited paperbacks, or print copies, may also be released depending on the success of the book.

  • Question: Does MMG accept submissions of poetry?
  • Answer: No, we do not represent works of poetry at this time. All the genres we currently represent are listed on the homepage.

  • Question: How soon after I submit my manuscript can I expect to hear back from MMG?
  • Answer: We strive to respond to properly submitted queries in 90 days. Queries that do not follow our submission guidelines are summarily ignored.

  • Question: How many queries can I submit at a time?
  • Answer: As long as you follow our submission guidelines, you may query as many projects as you want within the genres we represent.

It is better to ask a question and appear ignorant once than to never ask that question and remain ignorant forever.

Anonymous Most Quoted Person Ever

Unchained Spirit
MMG's primary value proposition is to turn up the volume on those beautiful silenced voices of our generation. This is what we came to do.
Unbiased Representation
Our selection process is unburdened by the concerns of traditional publishing. We represent only amazing stories and promote every author with the same degree of dedication.
Publishing for a Digital Age
We work with Osiọbe Publishing to bring amazing stories to light. Their eBooks, Audiobooks and Full-Cast Audiobooks are published exclusively on the Osiọbe app.